Sunday, June 12, 2005
Come and See
Before Andrew brought the news to Simon, he had a personal encounter with Jesus. He was one of two men who heard John the Baptist say that Jesus is the "Lamb of God." Andrew then followed Jesus to see what He was all about. When Jesus saw Andrew and another of John's disciples following Him, He asked what they were looking for. They wanted to know where Jesus dwelt - what was His ministry base.
Classic Jesus - He responded,"Come and see." As a teacher, Jesus preferred to ask questions instead of give answers. He wanted His followers to discover the answers for themselves. He refused to give the Cliff's Notes version to them. Jesus knew that information turns to life changing beliefs as people wrestle with questions not if they are simply given answers by a wise teacher.
By inviting the two men to come and see, Jesus called them to take ownership of His teachings and lifestyle. This is one of the first great discipleship lessons that we see from The Master. Jesus offers no easy answers. If you want to know, you are going to have to work for it. In this day and age, many Christian want to be spoon fed Biblical truth. But this leads to lukewarm Christians with lots of dirty diapers to change.
Classic Jesus - He responded,"Come and see." As a teacher, Jesus preferred to ask questions instead of give answers. He wanted His followers to discover the answers for themselves. He refused to give the Cliff's Notes version to them. Jesus knew that information turns to life changing beliefs as people wrestle with questions not if they are simply given answers by a wise teacher.
By inviting the two men to come and see, Jesus called them to take ownership of His teachings and lifestyle. This is one of the first great discipleship lessons that we see from The Master. Jesus offers no easy answers. If you want to know, you are going to have to work for it. In this day and age, many Christian want to be spoon fed Biblical truth. But this leads to lukewarm Christians with lots of dirty diapers to change.